Bodhee Core is an IoT analytics platform that connects cyber-physical systems throughout the manufacturing value chain, industrializes analytics, and converts complex data into simple recommendations that can be easily understood and implemented by those on the shop floor. With analytics that effectively streamline operations, our clients record high ROIs and improvements in every performance parameter.


in yield


in quality


reduction in cycle times


in cost


enhancement in productivity

The approach

The key difference in our approach is the Process Digital Twin. We apply AI and IoT to connect every process and machine in the manufacturing value chain. The data drawn from these assets and processes is holistic, enabling us to analyze all interactions between these components as a series of correlations that impact the final product.

The Process Digital Twin becomes a mirror image of the plant’s manufacturing operations, using proprietary algorithms to suggest
real-time corrective measures while applying the insights from each production run to create predictive, easy-to-use recommendations for the future.

The Neewee Advantage

Deployment in just 6-8 weeks for medium complexity processes

Outcomes delivered on the shop floor with easy, actionable recommendations

Process Digital Twins that offer a connected and comprehensive overview
of operations

Integration of analytical data from new-age and legacy systems

Model connectivity designed to solve real-life business problems